Have you heard about our 0 to 1 Club?
Students with almost perfect attendance (0-1 Absences/Tardies) and almost perfect behavior (0-1 Category 1 Referrals and 0 Category 2 referrals) will qualify to attend our monthly SOARing Bingo celebrations on the first school day of the month. Our first monthly Bingo SOARing celebration will be on October 2.
Students with almost perfect attendance (0-2 Absences/Tardies) and almost perfect behavior (0-3 Category 1 Referrals and 0 Category 2 referrals) will qualify for our End of Nine Week SOARing celebrations. Our first nine-week celebration will be on October 12. Be on the lookout for our monthly SOARing celebration reveal soon!
We want to note that attendance (including tardies) and SOARing behavior are very important to qualify for the monthly and nine-week SOARing celebrations. However, a few leniencies are included for those unavoidable absences or minor behavior infractions. If your child has a Doctor/Dental appointment, please send a written excuse from the Doctor with your child to the front office.
We want each leader to SOAR at The Heights through attendance and behavior! We can't wait to celebrate your student's accomplishments every month and every nine weeks! #TheHeightsWay