The AHS Golf match scheduled for 1:00 pm today at New Haven golf course has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date. #teamtasd #potentialrealized #SafeRazorbacks

The AHS Golf match scheduled for today against DeQueen at Little River Country Club at 3:30 pm, has been cancelled due to inclement weather. The match will not be rescheduled. #teamtasd #potentialrealized #SafeRazorbacks

The AHS Tennis match scheduled for today at 3:30 against Lake Hamilton at AHS has been rescheduled due to inclement weather. The rescheduled date will be Monday, September 14th (same time/location).
#teamtasd #potentialrealized #SafeRazorbacks

Flashing Red Lights means students are getting on or off the bus. It is illegal to pass a stopped school bus whenever its red light are flashing. Make safety a top priority. #FlashingRedKidsAhead #teamtasd #potentialrealized

Send us your first day of school pictures! Whether your student is onsite or virtual, they are still a member of the Razorback Family. Submit photo using this link: https://forms.gle/DM2Zoz9sBtQVGrLm9
#teamtasd #potentialrealized #SafeRazorbacks

All TASD schools and offices will resume tomorrow Friday, August 28. All learning pathway students will return to their normal schedule.

The National Weather Service has issued a tropical storm warning for our area. Hurricane Laura is expected to make landfall on the Texas/Louisiana coast early Thursday morning. The forecast predicts that Texarkana may see 4-6 inches of rainfall.
In an abundance of caution, the Texarkana Arkansas School District will not hold face-to-face classes tomorrow, Thursday, August 27, 2020. All classes will be virtual. We are aware that some of our traditional students have not received devices to take home. However, any student who does not have access to a device or the internet will not be penalized and will have opportunities to complete his or her assignments.
Grab-and-Go breakfast and lunch meals will be available for pickup from 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. at:
North Heights Junior High 2118 East 35th
College Hill Middle School 1600 Forest St
We will continue to monitor the situation, so please stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the TASD website – www.TASD7.net.

Like many school districts across the nation, the Texarkana Arkansas School District is facing a delay in receiving the shipment of Wi-Fi hotspots. We anticipate receiving several units from the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in the coming days.
Hybrid and virtual pathway students who requested a hotspot and did not receive one prior to the first day of school will not be penalized and will be given additional time to complete assignments. We will work to ensure you have the help you need. Once the Wi-Fi hotspots arrive you will be contacted for pick up or arrangements can be made for delivery upon request.
TASD is also providing internet access at the following locations:
Arkansas High School - Front visitor parking lot
Trice Elementary - Front parking lot
College Hill Middle School - Cafeteria parking lot

Send us your first day of school pictures! Whether your student is onsite or virtual, they are still a member of the Razorback Family. Submit photo using this link: https://forms.gle/DM2Zoz9sBtQVGrLm9
#teamtasd #potentialrealized #SafeRazorbacks

School starts tomorrow, August 26th
Bell Schedules
Pre-K Schedule - School Starts - 7:45 a.m., School Ends - 2:45 p.m.
K - 5th Grades Schedule - School Starts - 8:15 a.m., School Ends - 2:45 p.m.
6th - 12th Grades Schedule - School Starts 8:00 a.m., School Ends - 3:15 p.m.
#teamtasd #potentialrealized #SafeRazorbacks

Dear Parents and Community Members:
Over the weekend, the Texarkana Arkansas School District was notified that one of our students tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). We have not received any reports of other students or staff members experiencing illnesses with symptoms resembling those of coronavirus. The Texarkana Arkansas School District COVID-19 Response Team works with the Arkansas Department of Health in determining on-site response levels when a positive case is confirmed. Upon learning of the positive case, immediate actions were taken in accordance with guidance from the Arkansas Department of Health, which included cancelling activities to prevent the spread of the virus and notifying persons in close contact.
COVID-19 is thought to be spread via person-to-person contact through contaminated air droplets from coughing and sneezing by an infected person. As with controlling the spread of other viruses, we urge everyone to take the following preventive measures:
• Wash your hands regularly, especially after using the restroom and before preparing or consuming food. Using soap and hot water, wash for about 20 seconds. Be sure to also wash your fingertips.
• Avoid coughing or sneezing into your hands or in the air. Always try to cough or sneeze into a tissue, then throw the tissue away. If you don’t have a tissue, cough/sneeze into your arm.
• As much as you can, avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.
The symptoms of coronavirus are similar to the regular seasonal influenza and include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. Some people with coronavirus have reported additional symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, lethargy, lack of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some situations, the virus can develop into pneumonia.
Individuals who need medical care should call their medical providers to report their illnesses prior to seeking care at a clinic, physician’s office, or hospital. Parents of students exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or staff exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms are asked to contact the Arkansas Health Department
at 1-800-462-0599 for guidance.
We are closely monitoring this situation and will provide you with updates as we know more. Nurse Tracie Vaughn is the TASD COVID-19 Point of Contact person. If you have COVID-19 related questions or need to report a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 that impacts our school system please do not hesitate to contact
Nurse Tracie Vaughn at 870-703-2619.
Becky Kesler
Becky Kesler, Ed.D., Superintendent

ATTENTION TASD PARENTS/GUARDIANS The Texarkana Arkansas School District participates in the Community Eligibility Provisions program (CEP) which allows all of our students to receive meals at no cost to the families. During the month of July you received a Pandemic EBT Benefits Card for your child(ren) because of the school closures that began March 16, 2020. Please read the information that accompanied the card so you will understand the benefits and use of the EBT Benefits Card. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-482-8988.
You can find more information at the link below: https://www.tasd7.net/page/p-ebt-card

Hiring Event hosted by TASD via Zoom
More information on flyer
#teamtasd #potentialrealized

On Thursday, July 9, 2020, Governor Asa Hutchinson announced that districts are to begin school the week of August 24 but no later than the 26 for the 2020-2021 school year. The Texarkana Arkansas School District Board of Education approved a new calendar for the 2020-21 school year during the regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. The updated calendar moved the first day of school to August 26 to comply with Governor Hutchinson's directive. Visit this link to download the calendar: https://5il.co/g1fr #teamtasd #potentialrealized

REMINDER: Deadline for the Learning Pathway Selection Form is July 19, 2020. Visit our website at www.TASD7.net to learn more about the TASD 2020 School Reopening Plan.

SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORDS In accordance with Federal and State guidelines, due process records collected on Special Education students in the Texarkana Arkansas School District who have graduated, moved, were dismissed, or found ineligible for special services prior to 2014 will be destroyed. Parents of these students, or the child himself (if he has reached the age of 18), have the right to request this information. Call 870-772-9815 by July 24, 2020 if you wish to request these records.

2020-20 Learning Pathway Selection Form Please complete this form by July 19, 2020. Completing this form allows the TASD Ready to Learn Committee to continue to plan and create the safest instructional environment possible for our students and staff. Parents and families are encouraged to make a learning pathway commitment for the first semester. Complete a Learning Pathway Selection Form for each student in your household. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6W-vPzdjMFIuz_DACLNQ0lRbFZNosf1SsGK3iTS0Vrf1raw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

We know that classes will look different this fall. However, we want to assure you that no matter which instructional pathway you choose, your student will receive a high quality education. TASD has released the Reopening Plan on the District website and social media. Included in the plan is the Learning Pathway Selection Form. Parents are asked to complete the form for each school-aged child living in the household. The deadline to complete the form is July 19.
Reviewing the Frequently Asked Questions located on the website may help you determine which instructional pathway is best suited for your child and answer any questions you may have as you prepare for the upcoming school year.

TASD new hires for June
#teamtasd #potentialrealized

Happy Weekend!
#teamtasd #potentialrealized