What is Bright Futures?
Bright Futures is a model of support and communication that allows communities and schools to identify student needs and match those needs with existing resources in the community.
Why Bright Futures?
As a community, we are responsible for supporting the children of Texarkana, Arkansas. It can be a lonely and overwhelming task when parents, schools, businesses, faith-based organizations, or human services try to respond individually to these needs. But together, we can use our resources to make a lasting impact. Together, we can make a difference.
Need Help?
The targeted mission of Bright Futures Texarkana Arkansas is to remove the barriers to education faced by some of our kids. To maintain that mission, we focus on student needs that impact a child's ability to learn - things like clothing, shoes, school supplies, mentors and tutors.
Because we understand there are a great many other issues impacting our kids, one way we help is by connecting families with community resources. While we can't always be the primary source of assistance, we strive to connect families to resources that might better serve them.
If your family needs help, begin by contacting your child's school counselor.
The counselor will know how to assess the situation and help find the best resource to meet the student's need. If the counselor identifies Bright Futures as the right way to do that, they'll reach out to our office. We cannot, however, accept direct calls from families requesting help.
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