Password Requirements for the network
At least 8 characters
At least one uppercase letter
At least one lowercase letter
At least one number OR special character
Cannot contain any part of your name
To update or change your password:
Instructions to access district e-mail on a handheld device:
Help with Bloomboard:
Articles and videos about participating in all aspects of the observations process on BloomBoard
Instructions for Arkansas SSO Password Reset:
Instructions for TAC
eSchool VPN setup for access from home
User Manual for PaperCut
Promethean pen and cursor do not line up correctly:
Calibrate the board
Hold the pen so that it hovers just in front of the flame in the top left-hand corner of the board until the calibration screen appears.
Touch the pen to the board to begin calibration
Touch the nib of the pen into the center of the x's as they appear.
Promethean pen not working:
Look in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and see if there is a white icon with a red x.
If so, there is a problem between the board and the PC.
Unplug the USB cable from the PC and plug it in firmly.
Unplug the USB cable from the back of the board and plug it in firmly.
If not, the ActivDriver is not running or not installed - create a work order
Promethean speakers not working:
Make sure that the audio cable plugged into the computer is in the green jack.
Check the Promethean speaker amplifier be make sure it is turned on
Verify that the volume control for the computer input is turned up